A linked list is a linear data structure which can store a collection of "nodes" connected together via links i.e. pointers. Linked lists nodes are not stored at a contiguous location, rather they are linked using pointers to the different memory locations. A node consists of the data value and a pointer to the address of the next node within the linked list.
Click Here To Watch TutorialA queue is a linear data structure where elements are stored in the FIFO (First In First Out) principle where the first element inserted would be the first element to be accessed. A queue is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) similar to stack, the thing that makes queue different from stack is that a queue is open at both its ends. The data is inserted into the queue through one end and deleted from it using the other end. Queue is very frequently used in most programming languages.
Click Here To Watch TutorialA stack is a linear data structure where elements are stored in the LIFO (Last In First Out) principle where the last element inserted would be the first element to be deleted. A stack is an Abstract Data Type (ADT), that is popularly used in most programming languages. It is named stack because it has the similar operations as the real-world stacks, for example − a pack of cards or a pile of plates, etc.
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